Conservatorium of Music
Thursday Concert Class

Concert Program for 2024-10-17

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Note: All information appears exactly as it was entered by the performers and cannot be modified.
1 piano(s) needed with lid(s) full stick.
0 chairs needed for page turners.
Stands Needed: 0. Chairs Needed: 0.
Piano Concerto No. 1 in F# minor, Op. 1Sergei Rachmaninoff (1873 - 1943)2011:10
        I. Vivace-Moderato, II. Andante
Jay Brendan Del Rosario, Piano
Konrad Olszewski, piano
Jay Brendan Del Rosario (Piano), Konrad Olszewski (Piano)
Rachmaninoff\\\'s first piano concerto, first written while he was a teenager. This version, which is the standard edition for performance these days, is a later revision he completed as an adult.
1 piano(s) needed with lid(s) full stick.
0 chairs needed for page turners.
Stands Needed: 0. Chairs Needed: 0.
Ravel Piano Concerto in G majorMaurice Ravel (1875 - 1937)1711:32
        1st and 2nd Movement
Alicia Elsom, Piano
Konrad Olszewski, piano
Maurice Ravel's Piano Concerto in G major, was composed between 1929 and 1931.
1 piano(s) needed with lid(s) full stick.
0 chairs needed for page turners.
Stands Needed: 0. Chairs Needed: 0.
MiroirsMaurice Ravel (1875 - 1937)711:51
        IV. \\\\\\\"Alborada del gracioso\\\\\\\"
Giang Le, Piano
The music consists of two sections of lively dance music, separated by a rhapsodic, extended song. In its original keyboard format, the piece is filled with powerful accents and fast repeated notes
1 piano(s) needed with lid(s) full stick.
0 chairs needed for page turners.
Stands Needed: 0. Chairs Needed: 0.
Nocturne in C minor, Op 48 no. 1Chopin (1810 - 1849)612:00
Sweeney Marshall, Piano
A piece expressing deep anguish and personal difficulties.
1 piano(s) needed with lid(s) full stick.
0 chairs needed for page turners.
Stands Needed: 0. Chairs Needed: 0.
Nocturne in C minor op. 48 no. 1Frédéric Chopin (1810 - 1849)612:08
Anna Le, piano
1 piano(s) needed with lid(s) full stick.
0 chairs needed for page turners.
Stands Needed: 0. Chairs Needed: 0.
Preludes book 2, no. 12 \'Feux D\'artifice\'Claude Debussy (1862 - 1918)512:16
Zitong Ren, Piano
This piece is meant to depict a festive display of fireworks in France.
1 piano(s) needed with lid(s) full stick.
0 chairs needed for page turners.
Stands Needed: 0. Chairs Needed: 0.
Variations SerieusesFelix Mendelssohn (1809 - 1847)1212:23
Amber Chong , Piano
17 Variations in D minor
1 piano(s) needed with lid(s) full stick.
0 chairs needed for page turners.
Stands Needed: 0. Chairs Needed: 0.
Papillons Op.2Robert Schumann (1810 - 1856)1712:37
Nicole Cao, piano
10 pieces for piano Op.12 no.3Sergei Sergeyevich Prokofiev (1891 - 1953)
Nicole Cao, piano
1 piano(s) needed with lid(s) full stick.
0 chairs needed for page turners.
Stands Needed: 0. Chairs Needed: 0.
Op.39Nikolai Kapustin (1937 - 2020)712:56
        Piano Sonata No. 1, \"Sonata-Fantasia\", Fourth Movement, Allegro Molto
Matteo Encena, Piano
The only movement of the sonata to utilize sonata form, it incorporates jazz idioms such as boogie woogie, funk and imitates the tendencies of a big band. The composer includes subtle references to Kapustin and Ravel.
1 piano(s) needed with lid(s) full stick.
0 chairs needed for page turners.
Stands Needed: 0. Chairs Needed: 0.
Les Jeax d\'eaux à la Villa d\'EsteFranz Liszt (1811 - 1886)813:05
Ezekiel Rowland, Piano
This piece is a depiction of the fountains at the villa d'este in Tivoli near Rome where Liszt stayed frequently in later life. listen out for the dolcissimo section where the texture suddenly changes and the left hand begins a streaming arpeggiated figure, in that place Liszt inscribed on the score a quote, from the book of John "For the water I give him will become in him a fountain of the eternal life"
1 piano(s) needed with lid(s) full stick.
0 chairs needed for page turners.
Stands Needed: 0. Chairs Needed: 0.
Romance Op. 24, No. 9 in D-flat MajorJean Sibelius (1865 - 1957)413:15
Guy Breaden, Piano
The ninth piece in his Op. 24 Ten Pieces.
1 piano(s) needed with lid(s) full stick.
0 chairs needed for page turners.
Stands Needed: 0. Chairs Needed: 0.
Sinfonia in B flat major BWV 800Johann Sebastian Bach (1685 - 1750)213:21
Jamie Ruta, Piano
It is assumed that Bach wrote his two-part inventions and three-part sinfonias around 1722/23. Bach's intention with these compositions is to teach students and lovers of keyboard music the importance in playing two and three equal parts to “achieve a singing style in playing” as well as an introduction to composition.
1 piano(s) needed with lid(s) full stick.
0 chairs needed for page turners.
Stands Needed: 0. Chairs Needed: 0.
Rhapsody in g minor Op. 79 no. 2 Johannes Brahms (1833 - 1897)613:25
Henry Huang, Piano
Brahms wrote 2 Rhapsodies in Op.72. The second Rhapsody, in G minor, is one of the composer's most popular and effective piano works, tautly written and darkly dramatic.

End Time: 13:33

Total Time of Entries: 117 minutes